Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers
Throughout the remainder of the year, Arkansas Workforce Connections (formerly Arkansas Division of Workforce Services) will be conducting announced outreach visits to farms across the state to speak with all farmworkers about the services we can provide. While the outreach visit is mandated by the U.S. Department of Labor, it is not an audit or inspection of any kind. Visits will be scheduled to be as accommodating as possible and will last no longer than 5-10 minutes.
What makes someone a Migrant Farmworker or a Seasonal Farmworker?
- You have been employed primarily in agricultural or farm-fishing labor for one full year
- Your work is frequently marked by periods of unemployment or under-employment
- (Migrant farmworker) Your work requires a residential stay at the job site
- (Seasonal farmworker) Your work does not require a residential stay at the job site
- Low income
Services and Support for Farmworkers:
- Education and training programs, GED attainment
- English as a Second Language classes
- Certifications
- Arkansas Career Readiness Certificate
- Skills assessments
- Job openings and places hiring near you
- Growing industries and occupations
- Resume writing
- Job-search assistance
- Career planning
- Financial literacy information
More Resources for Farmworkers
Search for temporary or seasonal jobs nationwide online at SeasonalJobs.dol.gov
Arkansas Human Development Corporation
Foreign Labor Certification
About the H-2A Program
The H-2A temporary agricultural program allows agricultural employers who anticipate a shortage of domestic workers to bring nonimmigrant foreign workers to the U.S. to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature. Employment of a seasonal nature is tied to a certain time of year by an event or pattern, such as a short annual growing cycle, and requires labor levels above what is necessary for ongoing operations. Employment is of a temporary nature when the need to fill the position with a temporary worker is expected to last no longer than one year (except in extraordinary circumstances.)
Learn more about the H-2A program here:
H-2A Temporary Agricultural Program | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
About the H-2B Program
The H-2B nonimmigrant program permits employers to temporarily hire nonimmigrants to perform nonagricultural labor or services in the United States. The employment must be of a temporary nature for a limited period of time, such as a one-time occurrence, seasonal need, peak-load need, or intermittent need. The H-2B program requires the employer to attest to the Department of Labor that it will offer a wage that equals or exceeds the highest of the prevailing wage, applicable Federal minimum wage, the State minimum wage, or local minimum wage to the H-2B nonimmigrant worker for the occupation in the area of intended employment during the entire period of the approved H-2B labor certification. The H-2B program also establishes certain recruitment and displacement standards in order to protect similarly employed U.S. workers.
Learn more about the H-2B program here:
Foreign Labor Application Gateway (FLAG)
The U.S. Department of Labor created a newly modernized portal to help U.S. employers find qualified workers while ensuring protections for U.S. and foreign workers. To access the portal, click the link below.
Agricultural Clearance Order Form
Agricultural Clearance Order Form ETA-790 U.S. Department of Labor
H-2A Agricultural Clearance Order Form ETA-790A U.S. Department of Labor
Employee Rights
H-2A Program
Employee Rights under the H-2A Program (English) WHD1491Eng_H2A.pdf (dol.gov)
Employee Rights under the H-2A Program (Spanish) WHD1491Span_H2A.pdf (dol.gov)
H-2A Worker Rights Card (English) H2AEnglish.pdf (dol.gov)
H-2A Worker Rights Card (Spanish) H2ASpanish.pdf (dol.gov)
H-2B Program
Employee Rights under the H-2B Program (English) Employees Rights Under the H-2B Program (dol.gov)
Employee Rights under the H-2B Program (Spanish) Employees Rights Under the H-2B Program Spanish (dol.gov)
Farmworker Rights
Farm_Worker_Rights_Flyer.pdf (dol.gov) (English & Spanish)
Ashley Farfan
Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Specialist
Arkansas Workforce Connections
Arkansas Department of Commerce
Office: 501.682.1462
Cell: 501.913.6418
Angelo Zambrano
State Monitor Advocate
Arkansas Workforce Connections
Arkansas Department of Commerce
Office: 501.682.1015
Cell: 501.747.8733
Contact the Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Program
Contact the Arkansas Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Program
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