A wide variety of professional development training opportunities are available at no cost for adult education teachers employed at the local adult education centers.
There are many products available to assist adult education teachers with their classroom instruction. The GED® Publisher Program recognizes GE test-aligned content from publishers who develop curriculum materials for the GED® test. To ensure that materials meet 100% of GED® test objectives, a professional content review organization has evaluated each product’s alignment with GED® test objectives. Alignment is determined at a subject area level rather than at a publisher level. Many publishers are currently in the review process; however, not all content is subject to review at this time (including review content and practice tests). Publishers that have achieved 100% alignment with the GED® test with at least one of their products will be designated with a GED® Content Aligned logo.
GED Ready™ practice test vouchers give educators an easy and convenient way to offer their students the GED Ready™ practice test in their classroom. GED Ready™ practice test vouchers are free to Arkansas adult education teachers. Adult Education teachers or administrators may contact the Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center (AALRC) for free vouchers.
Review a complete list of Professional Development Training – This list includes tutorials, tools, item samplers, and strategies for teachers.