Arkansas Workforce Centers
The Arkansas Workforce Centers provide free services to help you go from seeking employment to employed.
Let us help you discover new opportunities and land your next job!
Below, our locations are divided into 10 Local Workforce Development Areas: Little Rock, Central, North Central, Western, West Central, Northwest, Southwest, Eastern, Northeast, & Southeast. Not sure which area you live in? View map.
Little Rock
North Central
West Central
Hot Springs
201 Market St.
Hot Springs, AR 71901
104 East Railroad Ave.
Morrilton, AR 72110
Forrest City
EACC Campus
(in the old library building)
1700 New Castle Rd.
Forrest City, AR 72235
At the Arkansas Workforce Centers, we can help you:
- Connect with employers hiring in your area
- Explore opportunities to further your education
- Find training programs to develop the skills you need for the job you want
- Get your Career Readiness Certificate
- Learn about the labor market and occupations currently in demand
- Attend job fairs and hiring events
- Practice your interviewing skills
- Create or update your résumé
- Access computers, internet, printers, and fax machines in our resource rooms
- Apply for additional services and programs
All services are provided at no cost to you.
Need assistance with unemployment? Not all Arkansas Workforce Centers can help with unemployment insurance. If you have questions about your claim, click here for more information or call the UI Service Center at 1-844-908-2178, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Unemployment insurance services such as ID verification are NOT available at locations with an asterisk(*).
The Arkansas Workforce Centers are proud partners of the American Job Center network. Learn more at