Are you looking for a job? Or a better job?
We can help!
Arkansas Workforce Centers
Workforce Connections and its partners provide employment services at the local Arkansas Workforce Centers to help you get a job, explore careers, find training opportunities, and more. Stop by Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or call us! Keep reading below for more info on job-seeker services. (All services are provided at no cost, and no appointment is necessary.)
Job-Seeker Services
Stop by a Workforce Center for the following free employment services:
- Registration in Arkansas jobLink
- Job search assistance
- Referrals & job placement
- Resume preparation & review
- Interview tips, Mock interviews
- labor market information
- information on local job fairs & hiring events
- information on Training opportunities & apprenticeships
- work keys assessments & prep for earning your Career Readiness Certificate
- veterans services
- Access to other resources, Services, & programs
Local Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs
You could be eligible for additional programs and services funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA provides more in-depth career counseling and assistance with tuition for training programs in in-demand occupations. WIOA can also offer support with things like childcare and transportation. To learn more about WIOA services in your area and to find out if you are eligible, click the link below. You can also contact or visit the Arkansas Workforce Center nearest you for more information.
- Little Rock WIOA Programs
- Central Arkansas WIOA Programs
- North Central Arkansas WIOA Programs
- West Central Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Eastern Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Northeast Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Southeast Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Western Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Northwest Arkansas WIOA Programs
- Southwest Arkansas WIOA Programs
Not sure which link to choose? This map will tell you which area to click on based on your county of residence.