Workforce Grants
HIRED Grants
Higher Industry Readiness through Educational Development
The Workforce Initiative Act of 2015 (A.C.A. § 6-60-107) established a grant program to evaluate and address Arkansas’ workforce training needs and provide dedicated funding for state and regional industry-sector-driven partnerships and data-driven education and workforce training programs. Preparing and encouraging Arkansans to pursue high-demand jobs is essential to building a skilled and employment-ready workforce. Programs offering short-term career and technical training for skill attainment and industry-recognized credentials and those producing academic credit credentials are critical to Arkansas’ economic development.
The Arkansas Division of Higher Education and the Arkansas Department of Commerce announced a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) for workforce development funding. The funding includes Arkansas Workforce Initiative grant funding, previously referred to as Regional Workforce Grants, as well as American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
Grant Resources:
- HIRED Grant RFP Guidelines
- HIRED Grant Letter of Intent (LOI)
- HIRED Webinar Flyer
- Workforce Grant Summary
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Submit a Question (Please reserve questions until after the scheduled webinar on Tuesday, June 25th)
- FAQs
HIRED Workforce Grant Email: [email protected]