The Transition Employment Program (TEP) is a one-week comprehensive pre-employment transition service held on the campus of the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts (ASMSA) in Hot Springs. TEP was developed by the Arkansas Transition Project and the Arkansas Career Development Center. It was designed to assist high school students with disabilities that have completed the 11th grade in discovering their skills, abilities, interests, strengths, and career goals.
TEP provides career guidance and opportunities for participants to gain employability skills.
Special Features of TEP Include:
- Assessments: Interest/Need Inventory
- Work-based Learning
- OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Administration general certification training provided by the Arkansas Career Development Center
- Opportunity to Pursue Additional Career Certifications: e.g., CPR
- Job Exploration Counseling & Self-Advocacy
- Work-Place Readiness Training
- Post-Secondary Education Counseling
- Instruction in Self-Advocacy