Trade Readjustment Allowances
Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) is an income support paid to an eligible trade affected worker who is enrolled in full-time Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) approved training or has obtained a waiver from training. TRA payments are issued on a weekly basis after entitlement to regular unemployment compensation, (including state and federal extensions) has exhausted. If otherwise eligible, the number of TRA weeks available to a worker will depend upon the participant’s training participation.
There are three types of TRA available to trade affected workers – (Basic, Additional and Completion TRA).
Basic TRA will generally be paid for 36 weeks as workers are allowed to receive a total of 52 weeks minus their maximum entitlement to regular unemployment insurance on the unemployment insurance claim.
Additional TRA may pay up to an additional 65 weeks of TRA payments while participating in TAA approved training.
Completion TRA may pay up to 13 more weeks of TRA in order to complete TAA training, but only when the following five criteria are met:
- The requested weeks are necessary to complete a training program that leads to completion of a degree or industry-recognized credential; and
- You are participating in training in each such week; and
- You have substantially met the performance benchmarks established in your approved training plan (you have maintained satisfactory academic standing and are scheduled to complete training within your training plan’s specified timeframe); and
- You are expected to continue to make progress toward the completion of the approved training; and
- You will be able to complete the training during the period authorized for receipt of Completion TRA.
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) is a credit TAA eligible individuals may be able to claim on their federal income tax for the cost of health care insurance. See IRS website for more information regar4ding the HCTC.
For more specific information regarding Trade Readjustment Allowances or the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, please visit or contact your local Arkansas Workforce Center.