Workforce Connections

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance for Employers

The Arkansas Department of Commerce, Division of Reemployment administers Arkansas’ unemployment insurance program. Reemployment facilitates employer compliance with the Arkansas Employment Security Law, collects unemployment insurance contributions from employers, provides unemployment insurance benefits to those eligible, and maintains management information systems for filing unemployment insurance claims and fraud detection.

Tax Rates


  • Taxable wage base: $7,000 per employee
  • Administrative assessment: Reduced to 0.1% for fiscal year 2025
  • Experienced employer rate range: 0.200% to 10.100%
  • New employer rate: 2.0% (1.9% + administrative assessment of 0.1% for 2025.)
  • Stabilization rate: This has been replaced by the administrative assessment fee.


  • Taxable wage base: $7,000 per employee 
  • Administrative assessment: Reduced to 0.125% for fiscal year 2024 and 0.1% for fiscal year 2025 
  • Experienced employer rate range: 0.225%-10.125%
  • New employer rate: 2.025% (1.9% plus the administrative assessment of 0.125% for 2024.)

Go Paperless with Tax 21

Tax 21 is the online unemployment insurance employer services portal. Employers can use Tax 21 for the following UI services:

If you have any questions or comments concerning online unemployment insurance employer services, please email [email protected].

Report Possible Disqualification

Employers can use our online form to efficiently report incidents that may disqualify a claimant from receiving unemployment benefits, such as refusing work, failing to take or pass a pre-employment drug test, or missing a scheduled job interview. Reports can also be submitted through Tax 21.

Why Report?

Individuals receiving UI benefits may be disqualified if they fail to accept offers of suitable work or if they fail to submit to or pass a pre-employment DOT-qualified drug screen. However, to investigate the possible disqualification, Reemployment must be notified. In many instances, a job applicant who is also claiming benefits will not report the refusal or the failure and thereby escapes disqualification. The failure to report the refusal or failure is a form of UI fraud.

An employer usually does not know if a job applicant is collecting UI benefits and, in turn, does not notify Reemployment of the refusal or the failure. To help prevent this fraud, employers are encouraged to report all cases of these situations, regardless of whether the employer knows the individual is drawing benefits. Just provide us with the information – we will do the rest!

Employer Workplace Poster – How to Claim Unemployment

This poster should be displayed in the workplace to inform employees they are covered by state law that provides unemployment insurance benefits for unemployed workers and, under certain conditions, for those working only part-time.

Employer Workplace Poster
Employer Workplace Poster – En Español
Employer Workplace Poster – Vietnamese
Employer Workplace Poster – Laotian

Employer Compliance Info

Arkansas Unemployment Insurance Law

Rule 5

UI Employer Handbook

The UI Employer Handbook briefly explains the laws, regulations, and procedures relating to Arkansas’ unemployment insurance program administration. This handbook is intended to provide clear, concise information to help employers protect their rights, fulfill their responsibilities, and make the best possible use of services.

Employer UI Tax Appeal Rights

As an employer, whenever a determination is made that affects your tax liability, a written notice is sent to you. Each determination provides separate appeal rights; in all cases, an appeal must be made in writing and within the time specified in the notice. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO SUBMIT ANY APPEAL WITHIN THE TIME FRAME INDICATED. Read more.

Foreign Labor Certification

  • For information on the foreign labor certification process, click here.
  • Foreign Labor Certification Data Center, click here.
Arkansas Workforce Connections



No current notices. 

ADWS provides interpretation and translation services, at no cost, for clients who need assistance in accessing and participating in available services and programs. To request an interpreter or translator, please contact your nearest local office. 

ADWS ej lewaj jerbal in ukok ilo jeje im kennaan, ilo ejjelok wōnāān, ñan client ro am ak ro kimij jerbal ippair im rej aikuij jipañ ñan bok kunairilo jerbal ko iim pirokiraam ko. Ñan am kajjitōk juon ri-ukok, jouij im kepaake opij eo epaake ijo kwoj pād ie.

ADWS proporciona servicios de interpretación y traducción, sin costo alguno, para clientes que necesitan asistencia accediendo y participando en servicios y programas disponibles. Para solicitar un intérprete o traductor, por favor póngase en contacto con su oficina local más cercana.

ADWS cung cấp dịch vụ thông dịch và phiên dịch miễn phí cho khách hàng cần trợ giúp trong việc tiếp cận và tham gia các dịch vụ và chương trình hiện có. Để yêu cầu thông dịch viên hoặc phiên dịch viên, yêu cầu liên lạc với văn phòng địa phương gần nhất.

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