Veteran finds employment after visiting Conway Workforce Center


Success story:

Veteran finds employment after visiting Conway Workforce Center

U.S. Army veteran Earnest Shelton sought part-time employment assistance at the Conway Workforce Center. There, he met Dale Olivo, a Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) with the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services. Olivo assessed Shelton’s challenges in the job search, including a lack of personal transportation, limited computer skills, and the need for a hearing aid due to significant hearing loss.

With Olivo’s assistance, Shelton created a resume and navigated the online application process for various positions. He secured an interview with Arkansas Journey Tours for a driver position and was offered the job on the spot, which he accepted.

Shelton stated, “I have very little computer experience and without the help of Dale Olivo, I wouldn’t have been able to apply online for open positions or complete the on-boarding process which consisted of completing eight computer-based training modules. Having access to the Conway Workforce Center and using a computer in the resource room helped me complete the last step in the hiring process.”

Dave Olivo
DVOP Dale Olivo

Contact Information

ADWS Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists & Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) Staff in the Arkansas Workforce Centers


Dale Olivo

[email protected]


1500 N. Museum Rd. #111

Conway, AR 72032


Sharon Hopper

[email protected]


2153 E. Joyce Blvd. Suite 201

Fayetteville, AR 72701

Fort Smith

Darrell Phelan

[email protected]


616 Garrison Ave.

Fort Smith, AR 72901


Vicki Linch

[email protected]


818 N. Hwy. 62-65    

Harrison, AR 72601


Eric Lowe

[email protected]


205 Smith Rd. Suite A   

Hope, AR 71801

Hot Springs

Walter Zglezewski

[email protected]


201 Market St.

Hot Springs, AR 71901

Little Rock

Lee Bland

[email protected]


Jeffrey Dills

[email protected]

5401 S. University Ave. 

Little Rock, AR 72209

Pine Bluff

James Henry

[email protected]


1001 S. Tennessee St.

Pine Bluff, AR 71601


Jeramie Teach

[email protected]


104 S. Rochester Ave.

Russellville, AR 72801


Russell Cook

[email protected]


Tina Smith

[email protected]


501 W. Arch Ave.   

Searcy, AR 72143

The Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) provide federal funding to state workforce agencies (i.e. Arkansas Division of Workforce Services) to support the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialist position and Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) staff. DVOP specialists provide individualized career services to veterans experiencing significant barriers to employment, with an emphasis on assisting veterans who are economically or educationally disadvantaged. LVER staff conduct outreach to employers and business associations and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans and encourage the hiring of disabled veterans. Some staff have a dual role as DVOP and LVER.

Learn more about services for veterans.
Posted By: Central Offices, Workforce Connections

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Arkansas Workforce Connections



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