ADWS Searcy Office Information
Street Address:
501 West Arch Avenue Searcy, AR 72143-5203
501 West Arch Avenue Searcy, AR 72143-5203
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 248 Searcy, AR 72145-0248
P.O. Box 248 Searcy, AR 72145-0248
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Local Office Manager:
Jennifer Pike
Jennifer Pike
Employment Services, Self Service Center, WIOA, Adult Ed, Vocational Rehabilitation, Services for the Blind, Veterans' Services
Employment Services, Self Service Center, WIOA, Adult Ed, Vocational Rehabilitation, Services for the Blind, Veterans' Services
Counties Served:
Cleburne and White
Cleburne and White
Directions to the Local Office:
Three blocks west to Courthouse, corner of Apple and Arch Streets
Three blocks west to Courthouse, corner of Apple and Arch Streets