Workforce Development Board of Eastern Arkansas Issues RFP for Monitoring Services
Request for Proposals
Monitoring of the One-Stop Operator and WIOA Title I Service
The Workforce Development Board of Eastern Arkansas (WDBEA) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the purpose of soliciting monitoring services to monitor the One-Stop Operator and WIOA Title IB Service Provider for the Eastern Workforce Development Area.
Copies of the RFP may be obtained by emailing [email protected].
All bids must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on April 10, 2023, in PDF format via email to [email protected]. The WDBEA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Specific requirements are outlined in the RFP. Funding is limited and comes from WIOA Title I funds. The PY22 budget for WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, and OSO is $865,755 (100% federal funds). Funds utilized for the purpose of responding to this RFP are the sole responsibility of the proposer and shall not be included in final or actual funding amounts.