ADWS Launches Leadership Training
ADWS kicked off a newly developed leadership training on Wednesday, February 8th, at 1 Commerce Way. The class consisted of 15 staff members representing various sections, programs, and offices within the Division. The training curriculum has been in the works for quite some time and was developed with help from the Department of Transformation and Shared Services, Office of Personnel Management. In the first session, the class participated in group discussions about what it takes to be a leader, the characteristics of good leaders, and why connection-building is essential in a leadership role.
“I’ll take advantage of an opportunity to strengthen my leadership qualities any day of the week. I know building a solid team starts with the desire to learn, and this training will be incredibly beneficial,” said Jeremy Brown, Unemployment Insurance Research Area Operations Chief and Benefit Accuracy Measurement Program Administrator.
“It’s not a big group, but we kept it small on purpose,” said Deputy Director Courtney Traylor, “We knew we’d have a room full of different professional backgrounds and levels of experience- all with valuable knowledge and opinions to share, so we wanted to leave space for them to engage and get to know each other.”
“This was a great kick-off for our leadership training. One of my biggest takeaways was a section about making presentations; that we often focus on ourselves (How do I look? Are they listening? Will they applaud when I’m done?) However, we learned that if we focus on the audience when creating a speech- on what they want, how to give them value, and help them- that is the way to be most successful. This is something I will definitely use in the future. I am thrilled that our leaders have made this training possible and look forward to the next sessions.” – Michael Tippin, Program Operations Chief, Employment Services
“I am thrilled that our leaders have made this training possible and look forward to the next sessions.”
– Michael Tippin, Program Operations Chief, Employment Services